Avatar (PuP-Pack, VPX, BG, No Topper)

13 Ratings

Avatar PinUp Player Pack (BackGlass Only)

System:  Visual Pinball Player (version 10.4+)

All Video, Media and Artwork by Xkane47
PuP-Pack Editor & PuPCapture files by Nailbuster
Fan trailer by Imakefilmtrailers (youtube)

Video preview:




PinUP Player v1.30 or greater

VPX:  Designed to work with Avatar mod 1.12

ROM:  Designed to work with “avr_200”.  May work with other versions.

DMD Colors:  R=255 G=88 B=32




Ensure there are no files in your PUPVideosavr_200 folder (if that folder already exists).

Copy the PuP-Pack (avr_200) folder into your PUPVideos folder.

(example: C:Visual PinballTablesPinUpPlayerPUPVideosavr_200).


Background Videos:


Backglass:  Enabled by default

Topper   :  Disabled

(note background settings are configurable by using PinUPPackEditor.exe)

Installation Notes:


The Backglass has a default setting to enable a looping Background Backglass video.  You can remove your existing Avatar.directb2s file as it is not needed. (and won’t be seen while using this PuP-Pack)


This PuP-Pack is designed for people without Toppers.  There is a different PuP-Pack available for users with Toppers.  To ensure this PuP-Pack show videos properly you must ensure your “Other 1” screen in PinUp Player Displays is configured to match same size/location as your standard BackGlass.

This PuP-Pack does not require a modded Visual Pinball table to work.  No table script modifications are required.  It should work with any Avatar vpx table that uses rom avr_200.  Tested with Avatar table mod 1.12.




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