Time Fantasy (Williams 1983)

25 Ratings

IMPORTANT: To enjoy this version you have to set FUNCTION 33 to 1 in Game Adjustment


Copy *.nvram file from archive to your VPinMame/nvram folder.

This is my conversion of Time Fantasy – original table by mfuegemann

I used all of his resources from VP9 table.

I changed some things, so table is in MOD category.

– backwall and 3 green flasher domes (primitives by zany) hooked up to bumper
– slingshot flashers
-background ambient music
-lsd ball
-fading snail
-nuke alert sound and light
-playfield shadows
-sidewalls reflections
-primitive flippers and shadows by flupper1
-ball shadow

I hope you will enjoy this psychedelic table from Williams before the FBI “Winners don’t use drugs” deal happened

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