VPX Portrait Orientation .xml Files for 127 Tables

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Since Visual Pinball has been around a while and Windows has progressed so that it is easy to set your monitor to landscape or portrait orientation now, some of you may have considered switching from landscape to portrait orientation when running your tables.  This is nice because you have the taskbar at the bottom of the sceen, etc… but you may not have wanted to change the backdrop POV settings for all your tables… which makes sense… it takes some time to do a bunch of them.

So, while I am not making an attempt to persuade anyone to switch their table orientations, I am going to provide my personal backdrop POV .xml files for 127 tables.  This will make it very easy for anyone who wants to make the switch, but doesn’t want to spend much time on it.  All you need to do is open the table and import the file.  I recently wrote a brief tutorial on importing/exporting backdrop POV settings, in case you aren’t sure how to do this.  It’s really easy.   TUTORIAL

I hope you find these helpful.

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