Whirlwind (Williams 1990)

23 Ratings

I am proud to announce the re-publication of the VPX version of Whirlwind. This is a beta release because, quite frankly, I am not as familiar as I should be with how the real pin works and will need feedback.

This VPX conversion would not have been possible without the fantastic resources provided by ICPjuggla, Cosmic80 and Herweh in the VP9 version of the table. The graphics, concepts for the clear ramps and the core of the wheel animation scripting are at the heart of this VPX version. I would also not have been able to figure out the strange solenoid numbering for VPinMAME without their efforts. Thanks guys!


A special thanks goes to ICPjuggla for coordinating the permission for the use of the resources. Thanks for the second chance and an opportunity to learn a bit more about how best to interact in this community.

Additional thanks go to Dark for the plastic ramp meshes and to 32assassin who really made the table what it is. Hauntfreaks color corrected the table and wheel graphics. I’m sure there are others since this truly turned into a “community” build.

Thanks everyone!


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