PinUP running MAME ROMs

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  • #74565

      I see a video demo from Terry running a MAME game and PinUP triggering switches, LEDs and videos. It caught my attention: if PinUP can be used in other Front Ends and run MAME ROMs as well. It will allow PinUP to be used in many other apps.
      Just sharing what Terry mentioned so all in the forum will be on same page.

      “MAME demo of PuP was working by having DOFLinx use B2S to trigger PuP videos.  So basically need a front end to pass the “game name” to a DOFLinx SUP file for your game….and need to create a PuP-Pack that will work with that game name and you need to create the SUP file.”

      From statement above PinUP depends on FE which currently is PinballX to pass game name.

      So is it feasible using other FE as Hyperspin/ Rocketlauncher to pass game name  ?

      How should be the arguments ?


        I see a video demo from Terry running a MAME game and PinUP triggering switches, LEDs and videos. It caught my attention: if PinUP can be used in other Front Ends and run MAME ROMs as well. It will allow PinUP to be used in many other apps. Just sharing what Terry mentioned so all in the forum will be on same page. “MAME demo of PuP was working by having DOFLinx use B2S to trigger PuP videos. So basically need a front end to pass the “game name” to a DOFLinx SUP file for your game….and need to create a PuP-Pack that will work with that game name and you need to create the SUP file.” From statement above PinUP depends on FE which currently is PinballX to pass game name. So is it feasible using other FE as Hyperspin/ Rocketlauncher to pass game name ? How should be the arguments ?

        I don’t have any experience with using other front end…so I can’t help you there…but I can show you what I am using to get this to work with Pinball X.


        This is MAME’s setup in Pinball X to work with Rocket Launcher. I only use Rocket Launcher so I can use / change the Rocket Launcher bezels, etc through it on the fly.Don’t ask me how to setup Rocket Launcerh…as I barely understand how I set it up more than 2 years ago.  :)  You can just use MAME without Rocket Launcher if you want. Consult Pinball X forums for that.


        Parameters=-s “MAME” -r “[TABLEFILE]” -f “c:\PinballX\PinballX.exe” -p PinballX


        This is the “Launch Before” in Pinball X for MAME. It is looking for the DOFLinx config for this MAME game. I have mine located in “DOFLinx \ MAME”. Remember that [TABLEFILE] is the name of the game you are launching from Pinball X. (I used the romname for MAME in GameList Manager). The SUP_INI is a Supplementary File for DOFLinx.  [GameName] is the name of the SUP_INI, which you want to be the same as the [TABLEFILE].

        Launch Before

        Executable Path           C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinxMsg.exe
        Parameters        SUP_INI=MAME\[GameName]

        So for Punch Out, my   [TABLEFILE] in Pinball X Game Manager is “punchout”, and the SUP_INI file in DOFLinx \ MAME\  is”punchout.ini”

        The DOFLinx SUP_INI  file is basically used to add to (supplement), or override functions of the default DOFLinx.ini file.

        Here is what I created for my “test” SUP for MAME using DOFLinx to trigger MX Leds, and PuP-Videos for punchout using keys / buttons:


        #### MAME #####

        #### PUNCH OUT ####


        #### DOFLinx RGB Lights and Feedback Commands ####

        # KEY_TO_OUTPUT=Key/Button,Device Output

        # Not used for this game

        #### DOF Rom ####


        #### DOF Rom: Trigger Commands ####

        # KEY_TO_ROM = Key/Button,DOF Trigger,Action
        # Action options: 1=on,0=off,-1=pulse,duration in milliseconds



        #### FIRST STARTUP – Attract Effects ####

        # Stars on Back MX and Side MX, PuP: Rocky Training Video


        #### DOF, Triggers, and MX effects used for this game: ####

        # E110 = Left, Left and Back MX
        # E111 = Right, Right and Back MX
        # E112 = Hook
        # E103 = Stars in Space, Back MX
        # E104 = Stars, Left MX
        # E104 = Stars, Right MX


        #### XBOX GAMEPAD CODES: ####

        # PLAYER 1 – GAMEPAD

        # CODE | CONTROL
        # ————————-
        # X1DU | Dpad Up
        # X1DD | Dpad Down
        # X1DL | Dpad Left
        # X1DR | Dpad Right
        # X1ST | Start
        # X1BK | Back
        # X1LT | Left Thumb
        # X1RT | Right Thumb
        # X1LS | Left Shoulder
        # X1RS | Right Shoulder
        # X1A | A button
        # X1B | B button
        # X1X | X button
        # X1Y | Y button

        # PLAYER 2 – GAMEPAD

        # CODE | CONTROL
        # ————————-
        # X2DU | Dpad Up
        # X2DD | Dpad Down
        # X2DL | Dpad Left
        # X2DR | Dpad Right
        # X2ST | Start
        # X2BK | Back
        # X2LT | Left Thumb
        # X2RT | Right Thumb
        # X2LS | Left Shoulder
        # X2RS | Right Shoulder
        # X2A | A button
        # X2B | B button
        # X2X | X button
        # X2Y | Y button

        #### KEYBOARD KEY CODES (MAME Default): ####

        # PLAYER 1

        # CODE | KEY | FUNCTION
        # ————————————–
        # 31 | 1 | P1 Start
        # 35 | 5 | P1 Insert Coin
        # A2 | Left Ctrl | P1 Button 1
        # 12 | Alt | P1 Button 2
        # 20 | Space | P1 Button 3
        # A0 | Left Shift | P1 Button 4
        # 5A | Z | P1 Button 5
        # 58 | X | P1 Button 6
        # 26 | Arrow Up | P1 Up
        # 28 | Arrow Down | P1 Down
        # 25 | Arrow Left | P1 Left
        # 26 | Arrow Right | P1 Right

        # PLAYER 2

        # CODE | KEY | FUNCTION
        # ————————————–
        # 32 | 2 | P2 Start
        # 36 | 6 | P2 Insert Coin
        # 41 | A | P2 Button 1
        # 53 | S | P2 Button 2
        # 51 | Q | P2 Button 3
        # 57 | W | P2 Button 4
        # 52 | R | P2 Up
        # 46 | F | P2 Down
        # 44 | D | P2 Left
        # 47 | G | P2 Right



        …and the above SUP file is triggering videos from the “punchout” PuP-Pack as defined in the    FF_PUP_INIT=punchout   command.


          Thank you Terry for all your help.

          I still need to digest all information above. Not yet familiar with DOF but from ini file above DOF works like Ledblinky in my cabinet with new features shown in your videos.

          Install DOF together w/ Leblinky in my case will likely cause conflicts unless I install an additional LedWiz or Teensy board and config DOF only to control this secondary board.

          In the end I could have LedBlinky for RGB buttons and DOF for adressable LEDStrips and Cabinet LEDs.

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