4 Square (Gottlieb 1971)

9 Ratings

4 Square
Table By Loserman76
Backglass image used in B2S courtesy of Wildman

The playfield is a redraw 100% by me. So if it sucks, you know why – haha

I’ve included a wheel image, but it has been sitting on my hard drive for so long that I forgot who did it. If it is yours, let me know and I’ll add you to the credits.


Includes stuff/tips/tricks from hauntfreaks, BorgDog, GNance, JPSalas, Pinuck and probably many others that I’ve missed.

when game is not in progress, holding down left flipper for about 3-5 seconds will bring up the options menu. left flipper selects item, right flipper changes option

in addition to the “standard” keys (typically “1” to start game and “5” for coin), I’ve added “3” for coin and “4” for coin and auto-start game to simulate 3 coin slots

Shadow config settings:

Look for these 2 lines near the beginning of the scripting:

Const ShadowFlippersOn = true
Const ShadowBallOn = true

change to false if you want either of the shadows not showing on your tables


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