Ballyhoo (1932)

14 Ratings

Here’s my attempt at a recreation of Ballyhoo from 1932. It’s probably not a ‘perfect’ recreation, but I’m happy with how it turned out – especially considering it’s my first recreation – so I’d like to share it with you all.

Huge thanks to mfuegemann for creating the “Cavalcade” table I tore apart and put back together as this table. Thanks also to randr for recreating the “Worlds Fair Jigsaw” flipperless table, which inspired me to try recreating another table from the early days of pinball. I’m more of a Gottlieb fan, but the primitives needed for “Baffle Ball” seemed to difficult for me to tackle. So I decided to instead recreate “Ballyhoo” which was inspired by Gottlieb’s “Baffle Ball.” Ballyhoo is another pinball pioneer and the namesake of the Bally Manufacturing Company, which went on to create lots of other pinball classics, so it felt like a good one to attempt. Hopefully my recreation also inspires someone to go off and remake another early table for people to enjoy.

***Additional Thank You’s***
– Thanks to The Internet Pinball Database community for posting images of this table to refer to. I was able to recreate the instruction cards and “BALLYHOO” text at the top using some nice close-ups from the site.
– Thank you to people like ninuzzu, JP, and all the other people’s code that finds its way into almost everyone’s tables to make them work.
– Thanks to Jopp for giving me good instructions on how to add sounds for when the ball collides with the pins in my version 1.2 update
– Thanks to the vpinball community for welcoming my first table recreation with enthusiasm and nice comments.

– This table comes in a 10 ball and 7 ball version (as did the original Ballyhoo tables). One can be fairly easily converted from one version into the other. But for version 1.3, I’ve opted to release both version in ready-to-go forms at once for convenience and in case people want to easily switch back and forth between two tables.
– The score reels/ball counter/highscore tape should be able to be turned off in the script.
– I’ve never played a real Ballyhoo table before. I did my best to make my recreation at least ‘look’ as close to the real thing as I can manage. Perfect recreation or not, I hope it’s fun to play and gives people an idea what bagatelle games were like.

Anyway, I hope you like it!

Version 1.3 update – Thank you to everyone for downloading the previous versions of this table! I’m very happy to see people enjoying it. I plan for this to be the final version of my Ballyhoo recreation (assuming people don’t find any bugs that need patched). Once again, thanks to everyone for making my first table recreation feel like such a success!

All logos, copyrights, & trademarks that happen to appear in this game are the property of their respective owners.

Table created for personal use & is not for resale

Permission to mod – Yes, with approval

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