Company Logos

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Better quality images,some changes and some new logos.


JP Salas.png is for all of JP’s Awesome tables

Orbitalpin.png is for all of Scotty Wic’s Awesome tables

Bailey.png is for Junkyard Cats a super cool table by Brendan Bailey

WizNWar.png is for Demon’s Tilt avalible on Steam

Sega(1971-1978).png for tables made in those years

Sega(1994-1999).png for tables made in those years

Brunswick.png (for Alpine created by Updon)

International Concepts.png (for Night Moves created by Kiwi)(matches his table this time)

Quetzal.png (Captain Nemo future pinball by theGhost787)

Wizbang.png (Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons version created by 32assassin & Loserman)

Riot.png (Wrath Of Olympus from JP Salas & T-800 for vp9)

Jersey Jack.png (WOZ from ckpin)

Thank you to all above for your hard work

I know some of these can’t or will never happen dream list:


Quetzal2.png (Super Canasta)

Quetzal & STR.png (Tokyo Perfect Drift)

Incendium & Stern.png (Heavy Metal)

Team Pinball.png (The Mafia)

Just trying to make a contribution. Please thank/like and if I ever break any community rules feel free to let me know because I am new here and don’t know any better.

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