S34 – Cue Ball Wizard – Shooter

1 Ratings

Cue Ball Wizard shooter as used in Vogliadicanes table.

To further improve the quality of the object you need good decal scans!

Prerenderd, VPX render and Blender versions included.

For VPX render use you need to make your own blue and red acrylic material.

For the prerenderd version you need a “dead” white material with no extra gloss or reflections. The cue stick and the screws are not prerenderd and need a VPX material. Shiny glossy for the cue and of course, metal for the screws. Set the “Disable lighting” to at least 0.3!

All meshes rotate around the same pivot point for easy animation.

The low edge of the red base is set to Z zero!

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