Oh! Maybe I didn’t explain my question right ! I do my best in english :)
If I talk specifically for the playfield LG, yes the TV auto-shutoff when no activity for certain period. This is a problem since I have to manually open the tv after. If we only take this situation, The ideal could be to extend a cable for the on / off under my cab, by example. But like a lot of TV, there is 6 buttons on the panel. How can I isolate the power on / off ? Maybe I should see the problem differently ? Maybe it’s proprietary LG panel which it’s impossible to hack ?
Now, for my 2 others PC monitor, they didn’t auto-shotoff, so the best should be to extend a cable to the same power on / off under my cab !
Note : It’s ok for me to keep PC running in sleep mode !
Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming
Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming
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