Reply To: Monster Bash VPX wip


    Ok I have a solution for the creature:

    – First delete the nudgesystem code (line 1886-1931) , we don’t need this in vpx. Also the timers NudgeTimer, LeftNudgeTimer, RightNudgeTimer
    – Then , in the keys section remove the nudge code and use this
    If keycode = LeftTiltKey Then Nudge 90, 5
    If keycode = RightTiltKey Then Nudge 270, 5
    If keycode = CenterTiltKey Then Nudge 0, 6
    – Then, in layer1 , postrubber26 >>>change elasticity to at least .9 and friction to 0.2-0.3
    – I would also remove a bunch of timers since they are not used anymore:


    For the creature shaking on kicker, there’s an error at the solenoid call , so it must be changed:
    SolCallback(21) = “Sol21”
    then at lines 288-293 (the SolF21 sub) change it to
    Sub Sol21(Enabled)
    Setlamp 121,enabled
    SetLamp 180, enabled
    SolCreature enabled
    End Sub


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