Reply To: The Goonies Pinball Adventure

Mike DA Spike

    To get it work with real-DMD, in the script, replace the line “usePUPDMDDriver=false” by “usePUPDMDDriver=true”

    I had a DMD remaining on the backglass anyway so I commented the line ” ‘PuPlayer.setScreenEx pDMD,0,0,0,0,0 ‘lets show the DMD at default position.”

    Hope it will be DOFed soon.

    Thanks a lot for this great table

    If I set usePUPDMDDriver=true than it wil fail on lines PUPDMDObject.DMDPuPMirror and PUPDMDObject.DMDPuPTextMirror

    I will wait until a newer version will be release as @outhere mentioned

    You have an older pupdmdcontrol.exe in vpinmame.  you’ll need to grab latest from here:

    Thanks @nailbuster.

    Finally get it to work.

    After copying the file, needed to register the exe again and that gave me an error that it could not find DMDdevice.dll. Copy in the same directory did a PUPDMDControl.exe /regserver and working now.


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