Reply To: Unconventional Design: VegaPin (43"/24")


    Hej Jester
    Absolutely. The Cab was designed with all the Bells an Whistles in Mind. Space will be packed with all the solenoids and boards but it will fit in. So I can upgrade to full force feedback later on.

    @ Phil: Yepp … this design is definitely inspired by those TAB-Cabs. Ive stumbled over the design on the Web and wanted to buy a TAB-Cab first. But prices are very steep and the games/tables are very limited not to say: pfx2 and VP blows the TAB-Tables out of the Water with a breeze … so I thought id create a own Design basing on the TABs.

    : thanx for the hints! Ill get my LedWIZes, Buttons and Lights next week … and then ill be testin tha LedWIZ and Ledblinky-Setup as well. Looking forward to it!

    Right after Easter ill be dealing with the Woodwork ;-) Ill get some help from a friend, a Carpenter … he said: “Bro, itll take half a day max to build this cab … and you know what … ill build a second one for myself right away” ;-)

    Check out my Vegapin Build-Log

    Check out my Vegapin Build-Log


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