For #1 : Yes and no, It kind of depends on what rom you are trying to change. For SAM tables you’ve got pinballbrowser that can help you replace the rom music. For other machines it will be much harder. There is a many different sound chips that have been analyzed and emulated in pinmame. You kind of need to reverse engineer that routine and match the length etc. Simply too much work. I would say that you are better of going with what you already have though about – pinsound. And, well, I haven’t followed the project lately. Believe you would have to use a old version if you want native altsound ( being able to use altsound – without pinsound running ). Newer version of the program doesn’t even support pinmame anymore – or does it ? I believe I saw that lucky1 over at VPU made some commits to pinmame a while back.
#2 : I highly recommend staying as far away from UltraDMD as possible. It introduces lag and has locale issues. I’m sure that @lynnindenver is able to give you a better answer and solution. Still lacking a bit of documentation ?!
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