Quick photodump. Just got startup automation working (again) this evening after breaking things, since the lights work off of launchbox integration. This is because (a) There’s no direct pinup system integration in blinky like there is for other frontends and (b) no support in the LED Blinky software for more than one concurrent frontend (as far as I can tell you have to pick one). I’m hesitant to go down the path of rocketlauncher for some of this stuff as it’s another big timesink to learn that software… so i will play with the current setup some more.
The “backglass only mode” has some serious bugs.
Still, despite the endless trouble-surfing at least *touch wood* the hardware looks like it can stay as it is for now. Lot of software things to configure before the lights hooked up to the I-PAC don’t look wacky but I have a few bits done so took a few beauty shots that I sent to a friend… Once at least the menu lights and bigbox startup sequence are animated, I can start on the footage, and assuming no more disconnect problems with the webcam, of course.
I will try to get some VPX gameplay up in the next week for this blog, barring any further hardware problems.
The Gold Leaf RGB control button lights you see here are on basically the lowest settings in the picture to create the glow. At full beam they are super bright. Looks awesome for flipper buttons that are adjacent to a wall or other pins especially ;)
Getting there… slowly getting there… it’s worth the hassle although if I ever build another it will be the size that lives on a desktop and less complicated!
Add a channel of warm white leds to your controller if you have space, bind it to a DOF combo so it blinks with launch ball, fire button, etc. Or even several that go off when the chimes play! Gives a magical feel to the game (I don’t know how else to describe it). Indirect LED placements are classy, LED’s in the face are annoying, as a rule of thumb. I even covered my strobes to help diffuse the light more since they flash in 3 different places on the cab when they go off (topper, backbox either side of the DMD and LED matrix).
Again, Bigbox triggers the control panel, so it’s a problem for now (they are all off under just pinup system and I don’t really want to have to explore custom DOF channels if possible, i feel this is a scripting issue).
until next time…
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