Reply To: PUP Packs Not Longer Working


    Ok, I have got the PUP Packs working again.  As near as I could tell it was the dll file.  The only way I can get PUP Packs and the newer PUPDMDcontrol.exe methods to work is to stay with the Dmddevice.dll file dated 12/24/16 in my PinDMD3 folder within Vpinmame.  The Devicedmd.dll in the root of vpinmame is dated 7/3/18.  I completely agree that moving dll files around is the best way to messing things up, but in my system this was the only thing I could get to work correctly.

    I updated to DOFLinx 7.0A and that resolved a new problem I had where my addressable led strips and the backglass in Pinball FX3 were not working at all.  Now when I load a FX3 table I have the BG and the Lighting feedback I had lost.  So I am now down to the last issue of the LED strips not working within Pinup Menu.  I used to have some feedback with those lights as I scrolled through the tables but now I don’t, not sure why.  The DOFLinx update to 7.0A didn’t reinstate that feature but I’m not sure why.

    In Popper Doctor the DOF Driver Type is Popper dof and the Dof Rom is pinupmenu.  When I press Start DOF the log says Starting DOF, then DOF After INIT.  No matter what I put in the DOF Element and Send DOF On nothing happens.  If I change DOF Driver Type to DOFDirect I get an error message when I try to start it saying “The system cannot find the file specified, ProgID; DirectOutput.ComObject”  When I press Stop DOF I get a message saying “Invalid variant operation”  I’ve gone into the registry and tried working with the settings as indicated on Nailbuster’s wiki but so far I haven’t figured out what the problem is.  So if anyone has an idea or has run into this and solved it, please let me know.


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