@pinfan45 and @jamal1234
Criticism is welcome here when done appropriately. Frankly, I see posts by both of you as trolls. And Jamal, I find your post offensive. Most of us here are volunteers. Whether you like the work or not, you can still show some appreciation for the work and a minimal amount of etiquette.
VP wouldn’t be where it is today without folks here constantly challenging the standards. To complain about a volunteers work and then refuse to assist in making things better is trolling. And why would anyone take on such a time consuming project with the grace you’ve shown? I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. Also, why would someone with a real GNR be so passionate about a VP version? Just walk over and play the real one!
Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.
Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.
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