Reply To: PopperAutoRecord 1.4.4 errors on DMD recording


    I reread the recording_table_media wiki again… rerecorded with the error, and looked at the log files… I didn’t see any errors or negative numbers in the logs for the DMD.

    I reran the PinUpPlayerConfigDisplays.bat file and resized my DMD to a much smaller size and saved it.  Tried the recording again and it worked… Resized my DMD to my original numbers and tried the recording again and it worked.  Only thing I can think of is it was showing one set of numbers but using something else.  Once I reset the original numbers back in, it appears to be using the correct numbers again. All is well…

    Do you have any thoughts to my last question…

    Is it possible to change the Startup Delay and/or the DMD length in seconds to more than 60 seconds?

    I’m finding that I cannot record the entire DMD content ie “Apollo 13” because it is longer than 120 seconds. I like to record the entire thing and then edit it down for the pieces that I want from it. I’ve tried the Startup Delay at 60 and DMD length at 60 but still cannot get at the content I want as it finishes just before what I need.




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