Reply To: Guns and Roses 4K MOD


    Calling me a TROLL I find that offensive. And the reason I want a perfect VP GnR table is to preserve mine in perfect condition. I grew up in the 70’s when that N word was rampant. Didnt hurt anyone in my era. It’s all about political correctness now. People get hurt feelings over a word. Jamal is black and that’s his lingo hes entitled to his freedom of speech . Theres a difference how he used the word. He was describing himself. I dont get why people keep putting put a mod of a mod of the same table. To be honest I didnt notice any difference with this release. If your going to put out a table. Take your time show something outstanding with it

    This is what GnR needs work with. As stated from good friend Jamal.

    2 spotlights missing in the upper play-field area

    – More depth/higher sidewalls to the G and R ramps

    – Slight bend to the G ramp in the southern corner

    – 2 railings missing near the top flipper

    – All images enhanced to 4k

    – Reflective sidewalls

    – Back-wall flashers corrected

    – Play-field object reflections

    – Top flipper made more distinct from the wall beneath

    Under the circumstances on the internet, unfortunately, without the context of who is behind the username (and given my internet experiences, my general assumption with such things is that the context can’t actually matter when it comes to the reactions!), a forum admin has to assume the worst when the word comes up. My husband sure hasn’t used that word anywhere where I can hear it (he’s half-Jamaican, and would have the right to use the word himself).

    Regarding the image enhancement to 4K… please consider looking up what the current scanners are for playfield scanning, as they’re already using the best resources they have at hand. Don’t expect help at this point; from what I can tell, you’ve been demanding enough about the “problems with the table” and “I need you to tell me HOW to do these things so you can earn the resources to make it to my demands” that no one’s going to want to give you the handholding tech support to make it happen. Everything else, you need to take some photos and post them to provide some reference material for what the errors are. I work in printing, and the worst thing is when I get a text instruction, especially with insufficient points of reference to find where the change is, where a marked up copy is about 20 times more informative, and that’s literally for text editing, not the appearance. Let me point this out in detail:

    – 2 spotlights missing in the upper play-field area

    Where are the spotlights specifically located in the upper playfield area? Don’t describe; take a photo of each spotlight, with enough of the surrounding area that one can tell where it goes, and where it points. If possible, provide a photo of the area with the machine off, and a photo of the area with the machine (and spotlight) on, so that they can see what it illuminates.

    – More depth/higher sidewalls to the G and R ramps

    How much higher? How much deeper? All we have is a general “it’s not deep/high enough”. Is there a difference in angle compared to the current build? Again, a photo will speak volumes.

    – Slight bend to the G ramp in the southern corner

    How slight? One man’s slight bend is another man’s sharp, deep curve. Which direction does it bend? Again, a photo can convey volumes more information than you’ve actually provided.

    – 2 railings missing near the top flipper

    Photos are absolutely required for what these railings look like. On my best day making that sort of change, you’d get a start with literally a straight metal rail that’s nowhere close to what’s really there, and at least three iterations. And by this point at my work, you’ve annoyed me AND the sales person you’re relaying it through.

    – All images enhanced to 4k

    Then they’re going to need brand new images. See again, get a scanner capable of being placed on the playfield (yes, you will have to tear it down, no there is no way around that short of finding a NOS playfield and plastics set somewhere.), or hire a photographer that specializes in taking these sorts of photos. No, just knowing Photoshop doesn’t unlock any sort of “just scale it up” magic, that magic doesn’t exist. The only thing better is just brand new, better images.

    – Reflective sidewalls

    You don’t really know how many extra hours of effort you just demanded for this. Look at the threads for that last build of Tales of the Arabian Nights about it, and then ask one of the people involved how many hours they spent in Blender. I’m betting it’s well over 40 hours, without factoring in the lamp toy. And it limits the ability to adjust the POV to the cabinet.

    – Back-wall flashers corrected

    Again, photos, photos, photos. Otherwise, you’re just saying, “the back wall is wrong, I’ll know it when it’s right“. The current authors have better things to do than to move things around until you finally proclaim, “not perfect, but close enough that only I’ll notice now”. Even one reference photo from your machine will work absolute wonders. If it’s a sequence issue in terms of wrong light assigned to each flasher, a video with notes of the mode engaged can work additional wonders.

    – Play-field object reflections

    See the aforementioned on the reflective sidewalls.

    – Top flipper made more distinct from the wall beneath

    And, yet again, how does it need to be made more distinct. Can you show that with a photo of the flipper from your perspective? Does it need to be brighter, a little more red, just slightly taller?

    I will reiterate the ongoing theme here. Photos. Photos. Photos. PHOTOS. You can literally type a lot of words trying to describe what’s wrong, and waste everyone’s time trying to get what you mean, while even a single photo will provide immediate results. There is even a button, uppermost row of the icons in the edit box area, rightmost icon, called “insert image”, and it will walk you through posting the image. If you need these things fixed, you need to play ball with providing visual references and resources, or you will annoy (and already have!) everyone else until you’re pretty much assuring that, if you finally step up later and mod it yourself anyway, no one will want to actually download your vision because they get that bad taste in their mouth from the way you’ve handled what you’ve identified as issues with the table.

    Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
    Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
    Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

    Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
    Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
    Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.


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