Reply To: Guns and Roses 4K MOD


    That’s fine, you can be the biggest fan ever but it’s how you approach the situation.  We have had this conversation before, it started out in a nice and professional manner.  It’s multiple people that think your approach is not the proper one, but we all must be wrong because you came back again, the same exact way.  And to support Jamal after the way he acts does not help your situation.  Please do me a favor, before you respond back, take a breath, think long and hard about if it’s worth it to keep this up, and then write your response, I promise that due to the situation you will be judged on how you proceed.  I am not mad at you, I am glad you enjoy my tables, just understand that everyone here wants this to be a non issue and move on.  Ps I think this table is 10x better than Miss World.


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