Reply To: Cyclone (pinball) Williams Electronics


    Did you get the two first tables to run ? Where did you get the rom for – for the rom enabled table ? Try searching internet for “”.

    You should leave the rom ( the zip file – still compressed inside the roms subfolder ). If you get errors for not being able to open core.vbs – well, then you’re doing something wrong or have put old scripts into tables folder. Never ever put *.vbs files inside tables folder, at least not before knowing what will happen if you do.

    How do you know what rom goes to what tables ? You can open setup.exe inside vpinmame folder. Then run the test button. You will then be able to scroll down until you find the table name and the rom name. Also, inside the table script you will often find this line “cgamename” – that constant contains the rom name that you need ( without the *.zip extension ).

    Const cGameName = “cycln_l5”



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