I wish i could personally thank everyone who has contributed to this great community but then I’d be worried I left someone out.
Thank you to everyone involved in creating and maintaining visual pinball and pinmame. Thank you to all the site owners who provide us with the content. Thank you to all the site administrators and everything they do. Thank you to all the table authors for creating the masterpieces we all enjoy. Thank you to all the backglass creators and scripting guru’s. Thank you to all the artwork, ssf,
and dof guys and gals. Thank you to the frontend creators and all the people creating the media for them. Thank you to everyone enhancing the experience with pinup,colordmd, ect…Thank you to all those that share their knowledge to help out those of us that don’t know what we’re doing. Thank you to anyone else that has contributed in any way to the virtual pinball addiction.
Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.
Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.
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