Reply To: UltraDMD just stopped Help


    Yes. Your problem is that you have no clue how to work with paths with spaces in them. So, here is a for dummies guide.

    cd means – change directory – you see in the yellow window the “PATH” – it is with spaces in them. cmd.exe is not very happy with spaces if you don’t help it once it sees them.

    A new commando – ‘dir’ – it shows you a directory listing inside the cmd-prompt window. You don’t need to jump all the way in one go, but it should be.

    cd “Visual Pinball\Xdmd” – then the prompt will change to indicated that your in the correct folder and a ‘dir’ should also list the files that you have in your explorer window. If it doesn’t – it will always fail since you are not in the correct folder.

    ultradmd.exe /c

    … means, configure – if it can’t – it should give you an error.

    ultradmd.exe /i

    …. tries to re-register the application ( it is kind of a – lets try to re-register this app, and might in some cases help you to get it working if it craps out with the configure above. )

    – an extra tip, pressing <tab> key while tying might fill in parts of the name for you. If there is several alternatives – press <tab> again.





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