Reply To: Loch Ness Monster (Gameplan 1985) 1.1 Wheel Image


    Thanks for the wheel and the awareness of this hidden table.  I had no idea it was even out there let alone that Eula Dubh Sidha made a VP version.  I will definitely check it out.  From what I saw on the other site the artwork and theme is excellent.

    Yeah, sorry Death about the wheels teasing new versions.  I guess I’m type-A when it comes to my rig’s front end and I hate having Tarcisio wheels for most games and only Hyperpin style wheels for some of the older VP9 tables that I have a decent list to go through for myself.  Thought I’d share my work for others like me that want to have a more complete looking front end.  Like BeachBum I’m getting now requests for wheels.  If these are getting annoying I can find other means of getting them out there.  I just wanted to contribute in a way I’m able for those that can find the work useful.


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