No, not really. You find the original download table. You then post it in the support thread of the table itself.
First, be very sure to read the previous post on the table. It happens, from time to time that the actual issue is resolved if you do a small change that is mentioned in the support thread already.
Yes, I know, that many of you “new” guys, will be a bit frustrated when you see a fix in the support that you don’t know how to fix. That is just the way it has been and I expect it will be forĀ a while. The good thing though, is that you kind of force new guys to look at the editor, forcing them to try to understand how it works. And hopefully – in the long run, someone. Just like me, become very addicted to changing stuff up. Not saying that what I do is always perfect, but, at least I know my way around. I can now make most of the changes needed without asking.
The more people we get that has knowledge of the software, the better the community is going to be going forward. Let’s face it, the documentation isn’t perferct, but, this is open source and anyone adding info is a good thing. Guides/Solutions andĀ whatever is spread all over the place. So, yes, hard to be a new guy.
I now just did something I don’t normally do. Blocked a re-post and are forcing you to find the original table thread. It has nothing to do with you personally. It is just to make a point on how things should be done to help us all in the long run.
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