Reply To: Having Music Playing while in Playlist


    I have, here is what I see.

    In Popper Doctor the DOF Driver Type is Popper dof and the Dof Rom is pinupmenu. When I press Start DOF the log says Starting DOF, then DOF After INIT. No matter what I put in the DOF Element and Send DOF On nothing happens. If I change DOF Driver Type to DOFDirect I get an error message when I try to start it saying “The system cannot find the file specified, ProgID; DirectOutput.ComObject” When I press Stop DOF I get a message saying “Invalid variant operation” I’ve gone into the registry and tried working with the settings as indicated in your wiki but so far I haven’t figured out what the problem is. Hopefully, like the display needing set to Active and Update, you know another place I should look.


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