Feel the same. So many of these recreations bring me back to …the mall.
Just spent some time dialing this in and finally playing. Really WOW Schreibi and crew. In just the short time I’ve been involved around here, you and some other devs have just gone into warp drive as far as pushing things forward. Staggering following along.
For any that play in very dark environs like me, I did do the playfield mesh adjustment in the table editor where you set Disable Lighting to zero and then bump around the bloom and ambient settings a bit. I found a really nice sweet spot …and if STAT meant by ‘mirror’ the BG reflection on the playfield – – I concur. To me, again I’m playing it right next to a real pin in the dark where I also see that reflection, it adds to the realism. …I was squinting and staring at those reflections while testing this out to see if the reflection scoring was changing. That would be freaky cool. Nuf typing back to playing. Thanks again guys.
Disable lighting at zero? Man, we all should find a way to callibrate our monitors to the same standard. This table looks pretty awfull on my monitors when i do that!
If you guys want to know how it was intended to look, take a Samsung Galaxy OLED Smartphone, leave the screen settings at default und set the brightness to about 45-50%. Go to the DL site and open the preview image. Place yourself in a room with dimmed lights. On my Galaxy S8+ this image then looks about the same as the table on my monitors.
That doesen’t mean that you shouldn’t change anything to your liking! Not at all! But for those who are interrested in how the author is seeing this table, use this method! Smartphone screens should be somehow callibrated out of the box and you find a newer Galaxy all over the world.
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