Reply To: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Pinball WIP


    If nobody wants to render this, i would do it. But only under these conditions:

    • Nobody else wants to do that. My process will be slow and i don’t want to slow down the development. Worst case would be that you have to wait until March until i have finished my part.
    • All meshes are available with the correct UV-map so i can start rendering (almost) right away. Also a time problem on my end. Retexturing is a ton of work!
    • I don’t have to do any scripting or flasher stuff. There are way better authors out there who could do this.
    • That table has an unbelievable GI and flasher lightshow. If you want all of those lighting scenarios to be rendered, wait for somebody else to do this. Thats not my way of doing things in VPX. I can set the VPX lights so they fit the renderings. No problem!

    See me more as player that is coming from the bench when all of his teammates are on the injured list!


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