Reply To: High Roller Casino WIP


    Looks great, I’m confused though what do you mean vpx doesn’t support moving primitives? There are a few examples of spinning prims already.

    You can visually move them, but if you turn on collisions you’ll find that VP will only handle collisions at the original position.    So if I make a moving ramp and set it collidable, the ball will always follow the trajectory of its original position.     You can only turn collision on and off.   For the ramp case, most VP tables will fake a moving ramp with a multiple invisible ramps that turn on and off.

    This is fine for ramps, but a big problem for the ball entering a roulette wheel that’s spinning smoothly.    The VP9 version fakes all of it by using a bunch of kickers.  That’s why you see the ball go in slow freeze-frame motion around the loop.

    There are only two moving collidables in VP – balls and flippers.    So for this I am simulating the gaps in the wheel by fanning out 8 flippers and micro-flipping in a circle.   It took a lot of trial and error to actually get this to work, VP isn’t expecting flippers to be used like this and does some strange things based on the flipper start and end positions.    If the strength is too weak the flipper will pass through the ball.     The interaction with the cup primitive was also challenging, VP has performance issues with high poly collidables but you need a smooth circle.    Did figured out a pretty good “ugly” primitive that has good drop-in action.

    Some systems with slow CPUs may get some stutter in multiball if there are 2-3 balls all going after the roulette wheel at once.


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