Reply To: StarTrek the next Generation PuPPack


    Very new to PuP. So I apologize in advance for asking what I’m sure is a stupid question. And I appreciate any help!

    Everything seems to be installed correctly. In fact, it’s amazing. However I get overlapping music. I’m guessing it’s the music from the original ROM competing with the PuP Pack? I mean… One music sounds amazing, one sounds like old SoundBlaster MIDI instruments, and they overlap each other.


    You have to use the altsound methode for this Puppack 1 Create a altsound folder in Vpinmame folder . copy the altsoundfile that is within the download from this Pack in this folder. Start the table and press F1 and choose altsound mode : 1 restart table thats it.altsound

    Thanks!  But I must be missing something.  I copied it as you said, but no change.

    I’ve now got c:\Pinball\Visual Pinball X\VPinMAME\altsound\sttng_17

    And I’ve set Alt Sound Mode to 1.

    No change at all.  I’m launching via PinUP Popper.  Is there something I need to set or enable there?  Or elsewhere?


    Thanks again!


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