Reply To: Hyperball (Williams 1981) – Analog Controls Version


    Could this work with spinner dials?

    I haven’t had any luck. The input program does mention mouse inputs but when I try to use them in VPX I get an error.

    That sucks, would be perfect with my cocktail cab if I could use 2 spinner dials to play. :(

    Maybe the error can be resolved some day.

    It’s weird since I can get the mouse value to show up in a text box but as soon I try to use it to change the angle it gives the error “Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript”

    Look at my Bally Sharpshooter project. I have it so it can use the mouse to aim the gun.

    But as stated this plugin is old and kind of hinky as far as working. It would be nice if maybe VP10.7 or VP 11 would allow access to the joystick and mouse control values a bit better. Variables that we could read the values would be nice.


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