Well I finally pinpointed the area where the problem lies.
To be certain it had nothing to do with a blocked dll I unblocked all files via the powershell and the <b>get-childitem “<span style=”color: #ff0000;”>full path of folder</span>” | unblock-file </b>command. This had no effect.
I started to fiddle around with the video settings. Lowering the detail and the texture dimensions still gave me the same error.Ultimately I deselected all options and lowered the detail and the texture dimensions to the minimum and checked the box Texture compression. TWD VPX was able to start!
Of course happy that I was able to start it up also raised questions. How come a recent relatively high mid-range GFX card like the GTX 750TI with 2GB of memory cannot run tables like TWD? This card runs Battlefield 4 in full HD ultra mode with average framerates of 28….
Drivers are up to date and ALL other tables run without any problems. This sound like a VPX issue in how it addresses the memory and possible swap textures or something. Would love to hear some other views on this.
Question is now what to do. Just to buy an even more powerfull GFX card doesn’t sound right.
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