I totally agree with hauntfreaks on this!
To me it’s totally bull shit to profit off of others hard work! The cabs are shipped with tables we authors have built! Weather it be a cab shipped with tables or a DVD with tables pre loaded, in my eyes it’s wrong to profit from “us” and our hard work. We are the ones spending 100’s of hours of our free time making tables, to give to the comunity for free.. To sit back and see my work and others work put on a cab or disk is just plain wrong in my opinion!
Ive been around for quite a wile and have had dozens of offers from members to get my address so they could send me something! Ask any of them, I’ve turned every one of them down. 3 members even offered to give me a new laptop when my old one took a shit! On top of that I’m also opposed to the beer me function over at VPU! That’s why I don’t release tables there anymore.. In my eyes I don’t need to profit from this I’m making tables for people to enjoy and for free…
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