Not sure what I can do about the post, have you tried 85vetts PM5 version? Does it do the same thing? I wonder if it has to do with the SAM emulation being a little slow, since the drop should be immediate once you hit the loop trigger, if there’s any lag in the emulation, the drop won’t be immediate. Or I scripted the loop trigger wrong? Both very possible. Sparky shouldn’t drain you 70% of the time, in fact he almost never does… I guess sometimes the magnet can grab it too much and send it SDTM but even that’s rare. If it’s the magnet, you could adjust the magnet intensity in the script? If it’s just deflecting off the the sparky area oddly you could tweak the physics in the area but I can’t recommend a good starting point without seeing what is causing it. Is this a common problem for other people? Anyone else getting SDTM drains ?
Thanks for the reply Fren. If I recall correctly, I think the PM version also did the same, but I will check; recently I managed to hook up my better pc (i5 processor) and screen my cab, so have been enjoying everything VP10 has to offer.
Re; the centre drains, they happen when sometimes after hitting sparky, the ball is released by the magnet and goes to the right, hitting near thr captive ball/coffin target, then goes straight down the centre.
<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>I tried the version which a guy on this thread uploaded a while back (the guy changed the lighting – I prefer the lighting on your settings; looks amazing) – he must have tweaked thr physics, as I had less drains with that version.</span>
I could also tell the physics were different, as when the snake shoots the ball,the left flipper doesn’t flinch slightly when the ball hits (which I really like in your version – same with your Tron ; very cool although on that table I get left drains sometimes after the Finns arcade ball release)
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