Could it not be possible to use the “magnasave” buttons many install? Then you would have two switches, one for lower flipper and magnasavebutton for upper flipper.
Just a thought.
why have FlipperLeft one Switch and FlipperRight two (+90) ?
Because there’s an upper flipper on the right and in most (recent) Stern game (if not all), the flipper buttons are actually a dual leaf switch. That is to say, if you push the button down half way, you’ll activate the lower flipper, push it all the way and activate the upper flipper. It’s useful for capturing balls on the lower flippers but still being able to use the upper flipper to flip stuff. I think this also lets you do stuff with lane light switching (i.e. you can hold the balls on the bottom flippers but still change lane lights). Since most cabs don’t have dual switches, Fren decided (wisely) to just activate both switches with one key press.
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