There’s a setting in the VPinMame registry “at91jit” you can try setting to 0 for SAM tables that you’re having crash on startup issues with. JIT compiles SAM code to native x86 dynamically so it will run much faster than the old core. Toxie noted that this JIT compiler has a strange ‘crash once on startup’ issue for him. No one else has reported an issue so far, but it’s worth a try in your case. Setting at91jit = 0 makes the SAM rom use the old emulated code instead. Do let us know if that helps. You can find it in the regsistry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\(rom name)\at91jjit Also, I’m not sure if your special PM5 build has Large Address Mode turned on. If it’s not on, it will be much more RAM limited than VPX or official VP9.9 builds. It’s a compiler setting, but there are some tools you can find on google that can turn it on after the fact.
Hey thanks, that regedit fixed my 100% constant crash on Avengers with this new VPM build. Will test with other tables that are crashing with VP5 exe as well.
[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
"Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

[Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
"Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

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