Reply To: B2S / controller.vbs issue – get rid of a backglass?


    Let’s back up a minute.  Why are you wanting to disable the backglasses?

    If it’s for performance reasons, then deleting the directb2s file is the easiest way to go.   Under HyperPin it will leave a static (non-moving) image up, which doesn’t hurt performance at all but still gives you the benefit of having an image up there.   PinballX can do that too, but you have to uncheck “Hide Backglass” in the game manager.

    Having B2S.Controller without a .directb2s performs almost identically to loading VPinMame directly.

    I know you mentioned that you switched to PinballX, but for completeness, the reason FPLaunch is looking for an .EXE file is because the file is named “_FS_B2S”.   Get that out of the table name/description and FPLaunch will stop looking for the exe.




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