Reply To: DOFLinx Future Pinball WIP tables: Let us know what tables you are working on!


    Well, I will have a surprise most likely tomorrow.  SLAM allowed me to get the Star Wars DSA 1.04 update ahead of time so I could finish the mod before I leave for training for a few months.

    I had 1.02 half done a while back, then 1.03 came out over the holidays. I transferred over the mod over to 1.03 and had it all done right before he posted about his new 1.04 update….doh! I normally wait a while before starting a mod on a table that he is currently updating…but my time was running short.

    So today he gave me the new update ahead of time. I transferred over the mod to 1.04 (takes about 3-4 hours because of testing, the changes, etc), and made some additional changes to match with his updates….

    …and it’s done!

    However, I won’t release the table until he releases his original version on his own site, which may be tomorrow…. let’s hope!

    Until then…. I am currently editing a demo video of the table which I will upload as soon as it’s done. I had to do this video in one take real quickly, as my time to have no background noise was running out!



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