Should you try FP? Why not? Just because some people hate it, doesn’t mean everyone does. Are the flipper physics perfect? No. Do they have to be for everyone? No. If I had the same attitude with VP, I never would have installed it in my cab. Anyone who has seen video of my cabinet know I love both.
If you want to try out Future Pinball with cabinet feedback and lighting, here is a “simple” guide to setup FP, BAM, Pinball X, and DOFLinx:
How Future Pinball "should" be setup for BAM, DOFLinx and Pinball X!
I personally am very proud of the work I have done with the DOFLinx cabinet mods of Future Pinball tables. You won’t see these unique effects on VP! (outside of the addressable leds, which I love in my pincab!) I don’t think anyone should feel “sorry” for me, or anyone else who puts work into anything FP related. Spread the love of pinball….not the hate of fanboy’ism!
I also would like to thank randr for hosting these DOFLinx modded Future Pinball tables. I wasn’t sure if they would be welcomed, but he has been wonderful and very encouraging to myself and others for the work they have done. Thank you!
I would ask that anyone who hasn’t seen DOFLinx in action, please check out my video demos of the FP tables I have added DOFLinx cabinet feedback and lighting to. They really are unique and showcase just how amazing FP can be with the combination of videos, great graphics, amazing sound, and very cool cabinet light shows. They are a great watch…even if you “hate” FP.
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