Reply To: Lesser known features of VPinMAME – DMD



    C:\Visual_Pinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.dll ( and DmdDevice.ini and DmdDevice.log.config )

    Start setup.exe -> Choose Test -> Airborne ( abv106 ) -> checked = Use external DMD, checked = Colorize DMD ( 4 Colors )

    Does anything happen now ?

    I should add that there is a newer dmddevice.dll from freezy over at VPU that you probably should try out anyway ( couple of hours old )

    If you have the colored roms and your VP is updates high enough ( which it sounds like ) you should get a colored DMD.

    The Dmddevice.ini isn’t really needed to get this to work. By default it will probe and try to find pin2dmd, pindmd[1,2,3]. Its there to prevent the constant probing.

    AND if you want to be very cool, show off your DMD to the rest of the word. Without the *.ini – that will NOT be possible. The dll will not try to stream without that info. So, in a way, the *.ini is required for both streaming and recording.

    • uh just now saw that your probably don’t have external, well, leave that one off then. Still – by default – the *.ini will turn on virtual + all DMD it finds, so I leave the info here for maybe someone else having issues.


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