July 12, 2017 at 1:58 pm
I’m having problems with the table initialization ball launches. As others have posted here, the balls launch for pre-positioning and never stop since then fall out and center drain and another launches to take its place.
I deleted the NVRAM and upgraded to the 2.9 version of VPinMAME (VPinMAME.dll 6/11/17) . This fixed the STNG start up problem but now none of my SAM games will run. I reinstalled the SAM non PINDMD VPinMAME.dll (8/2/16) and Bass.dll (4/27/16). Now the SAM games run but STNG went back to the infinite loop ball loading problem even though VPinMAME 2.9 is running. Any suggestions to let both STNG and SAM games coexist in peace?
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