Reply To: A Real American Hero OPERATION P.I.N.B.A.L.L. Xenonph MOD


    I will be updating this table soon!!

    Thalamus has just helped me with info on a physics adjustment.

    (I never messed with any of Lizards original table settings when I uploaded this. Only graphics and sounds were modified.)

    Particularly, some of the rubbers were set at hit height of 30, which can cause wacky behaviour. He explained exactly how to change them all.

    Big thanks my friend!!

    I will upload new version when Iget game over sound effects working.

    I only need to figure out how to get the scoring sounds changed from bally sound sample chime, to other sound effect. Also need to figure out how to add sound effect when game is over. I added it to the game over light, but when it is activated it plays constantly, giving it a neverending echo.

    Is there a script command to add sound effect to game over? Or attract mode?

    I appreciate any help!!

    I should also mention that this table uses the Bally Playboy ROM, for those who didn’t know.


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