A few quick questions

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  • #224307

      Thank you first guys for such an software experience. When you take the time to watch, read and really learn the system, it’s amazing! I appreciate all your hard work and am truly humbled at what you have crafted!

      Here are a few quick questions!

      1. I have MAME, Future Pinball, Virtual Pinball and FX3  currently running well! But, I am struggling to find all the media for FX3 and MAME. (I’m not asking for media). I would like to know if there would be a way to turn off MAME and FX3 in attract mode until I am able to find media bundles? I am hand picking all FP and VP tables so media has is easy one at a time! But, FX3 I own all tables through Steam and have around 100 MAME games going.
      2. Any way to hide the shut down feature in PinUp? I’ve had friends turn the thing off when playing without knowing what they are doing.

      That’s it for now! Thanks so much again!!!!


        1>  playlist manager has settings.  Best to get familiar with them (one of them is to hide from attract).

        2> see child-lock/playonly mode:  https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=controller

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          See I knew it would be easy! Sorry big guy! I work a ton so when I get a chance to work on the hobby, I am usually beat and missed some things. You rock. Seriously!



            • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by tristeele.
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