Addressable LED Not Working Vpinball

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  • #219906


      I am automatically going to apologize for posting, but I just could not find the issue that I am having. I picked up the Pinscape AIO kit which included the Teensy 3.2 on the Oak Micros PAL unit. If this is poorly formatted please let me know and I will adjust accordingly.

      So far the LED’s work great on PinballX and Future Pinball (Star Wars DSA & F-14 Tomcat), but I cannot get it to function at all with VpinballX. The light on the Teensy flashes quickly with PinballX but is just the steady blink when it loads a Vpinball game.

      Below is my cabinet file. I have created the Globalconfig files as instructed and registered. DOF plugin shows up when I check a backglass. I assume that I have a file in the wrong location but the config files are in the config folder. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

      LED setup – 55 Left Side, 55 Right side, and 512 in the back.

      Cabinet File

      <?xml version=”1.0″?>
      <Cabinet xmlns:xsi=”; xmlns:xsd=””&gt;








      <Name>LedWizEquivalent 30</Name>








      DirectOutput.log File

      DirectOutput Version 3.1.7527.20768, built 2020.08.10 11:32
      MJR Grander Unified DOF R3++ edition feat. Djrobx, Rambo3, and Freezy
      DOF created by SwissLizard |
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.529 DirectOutput Logger initialized
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Finishing framework
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Finishing cabinet
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Debug: Finishing output controllers
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Debug: Output controllers finished
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Cabinet finished
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 DirectOutput framework finished.
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.498 Bye and thanks for using!
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.513 Global config filename is “C:\DirectOutput\config\GlobalConfig_b2SServer.xml”
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.529 Global config loaded from: C:\DirectOutput\config\GlobalConfig_b2SServer.xml
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.529 Loading Pinball parts
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.529 Loading cabinet
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.529 Will load cabinet config file: C:\DirectOutput\Config\Cabinet.xml
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.810 1 output controller defnitions and 4 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.810 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.810 Cabinet auto configuration started
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.857 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.857 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 73
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.873 PhilipsHueAutoConfigurator.AutoConfig started…note, actual connection detection will happen asynchronously, and device disabled if not succesfull (check further down in the log)
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.873 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=247, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.873 HID caps: usage page=1, usage=4, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=9
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.888 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=247, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.888 HID caps: usage page=12, usage=1, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=0
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.888 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.904 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.920 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.935 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.935 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.951 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.951 Opening 32-bit LedWiz driver…
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.951 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.951 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 8
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Cabinet auto configuration finished
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Autoconfig complete.
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Cabinet config loaded successfully from C:\DirectOutput\Config\Cabinet.xml
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Cabinet loaded
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Loading table config
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 No TableFilename specified, will use empty tableconfig
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName doflinx
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.966 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig30.ini
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.982 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig30.ini
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.982 Resolving Tables Variables
      2021.01.16 19:02:22.982 Resolving Global Variables
      2021.01.16 19:02:23.920 EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
      2021.01.16 19:02:23.920 EXCEPTION: Thread:



        When testing VP games Do not have doflinx running
        Why is this at 145


          When testing VP games Do not have doflinx running

          Why is this at 145


          I sadly don’t have a good answer. I’ve updated that to 112. I will make sure that doflinx is off.


            New log file. This is what returns when I run the DOF Config Tester. It mentions that it can’t find/load the cabinet.xml but that is the location of that file.

            DirectOutput Version 3.1.7527.20768, built 2020.08.10 11:32
            MJR Grander Unified DOF R3++ edition feat. Djrobx, Rambo3, and Freezy
            DOF created by SwissLizard |
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.541 DirectOutput Logger initialized
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.524 Global config filename is “C:\DirectOutput\Config\Cabinet.xml”
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.538 No global config file loaded
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.541 Could not find or load the global config file C:\DirectOutput\Config\Cabinet.xml
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.541 Loading Pinball parts
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.541 Loading cabinet
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.542 No cabinet config file loaded. Will use AutoConfig.
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.542 Cabinet auto configuration started
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.628 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.629 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 73
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.635 PhilipsHueAutoConfigurator.AutoConfig started…note, actual connection detection will happen asynchronously, and device disabled if not succesfull (check further down in the log)
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.644 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=247, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.644 HID caps: usage page=1, usage=4, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=9
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.651 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=247, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.651 HID caps: usage page=12, usage=1, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=0
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.661 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.672 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.683 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.694 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.705 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.716 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.719 Opening 32-bit LedWiz driver…
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.719 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.720 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 8
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.724 Cabinet auto configuration finished
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.724 Cabinet loaded
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.724 Loading table config
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.724 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.725 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName afm
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.727 Loading LedControl file C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\directoutputconfig51.ini
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.731 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig51.ini
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.731 Resolving Tables Variables
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.732 Resolving Global Variables
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.834 EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
            2021.01.17 10:35:57.834 EXCEPTION: Thread:
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.010 1 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.011 Config for RomName afm exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.029 Table config loading finished: romname=afm, tablename=Attack from Mars (1995)
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.030 Pinball parts loaded
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.031 Starting processes
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.031 Initializing cabinet
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.031 Debug: Initializing output controllers
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.032 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.032 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 08
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.034 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread started.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.034 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.034 LedWiz Nr. 08 initialized and updater thread initialized.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.034 Debug: Output controllers initialized
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.035 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 started.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.037 Cabinet initialized
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.040 Loading shape definition file: C:\DirectOutput\DirectOutputShapes.xml
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.087 Framework initialized.
            2021.01.17 10:35:58.087 Have fun! :)
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.058 Finishing framework
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.060 Finishing cabinet
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.060 Debug: Finishing output controllers
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.077 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate.
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.077 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.077 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 08
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.077 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 terminated.
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.091 LedWiz Nr. 08 finished and updater thread stopped.
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.091 Debug: Output controllers finished
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.091 Cabinet finished
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.091 DirectOutput framework finished.
            2021.01.17 10:39:56.091 Bye and thanks for using!


              Post this file – GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml



                <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
                <!–Global configuration for the DirectOutput framework.–>
                <!–Saved by DirectOutput Version 3.1.7527.20768: 2021-01-17 12-41-21–>
                <IniFilesPath />
                <TableConfigFilePatterns />


                  Post a picture of your config Folder
                  To post a picture – Click on the top right i-con


                    Hopefully this works.


                      I believe I have it figured out. When running DirectOutputConfigTester.exe I loaded the GlobalConfig.xml rather than the Cabinet.xml.

                      Then going to “Show DirectOutput FrontEnd” it actually listed the global configuration file as Globalconfig.xml and instead of <no config file loaded> shown at the cabinet configuration file it now lists the Cabinet.xml file accordingly.

                      I’ve tested a few games and it seems to be populating the LED’s appropriately.

                      I truly apologize for the wild goose chase and very much appreciate your time in helping me investigate this issue.



                        Hopefully this works.

                        The files that are in your config folder make sure you do not have duplicate in your DirectOutput folder


                          I believe I have it figured out. When running DirectOutputConfigTester.exe I loaded the GlobalConfig.xml rather than the Cabinet.xml.
                          Then going to “Show DirectOutput FrontEnd” it actually listed the global configuration file as Globalconfig.xml and instead of <no config file loaded> shown at the cabinet configuration file it now lists the Cabinet.xml file accordingly.
                          I’ve tested a few games and it seems to be populating the LED’s appropriately.
                          I truly apologize for the wild goose chase and very much appreciate your time in helping me investigate this issue.

                          Glad to see you have it working


                            One last thing I thought I’d ask. Now that it’s working the dot matrix display shapes aren’t great. I saw that on major frenchy’s video he suggested loading alpha. I did that and it didn’t seem to change anything. Would you happen to have a suggestion of what else it could be?


                              One last thing I thought I’d ask. Now that it’s working the dot matrix display shapes aren’t great. I saw that on major frenchy’s video he suggested loading alpha. I did that and it didn’t seem to change anything. Would you happen to have a suggestion of what else it could be?

                              I’m assuming you are referring to the lettering
                              Because the DOF works on percentage everybody’s lettering will look in a little different there isn’t a whole lot you can do
                              The only thing I know of is you have to Go to The DOF Web site and manually adjusted And that may or may not help


                                This is from ac/dc


                                  This is from ac/dc

                                  Looks like something else is wrong


                                    After some help from above. found out that I was 1 digit off on where the start of the matrix was. Changed from 112 to 111 and it works perfectly.

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