Any way to change a rom name?

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  • #202309

      Maybe this is an odd question that doesn’t have an answer. Also, it would probably help if I explained ‘why’ I’m trying to do this. Like many people, I’ve been spending a lot more time at home in light of current events. I’m fresh out of college with a lot of time on my hands. So when my dad and I got into virtual pinball recently, I quickly decided I wanted to try my hand at modding some of the amazing tables people graciously put on forums such as this one for other people to play. After a couple of simple reskins just to get a feel for things, I decided to tackle a big project – taking a Metallica table and converting it into a Bruce Springsteen one. I could get into the specifics of that whole project if anyone is interested, but essentially I was able to use Pinball Browser to swap out the music and most of the sound effects and even most of the DMD animations, etc. (It’s still a bit of a WIP, but it’s playable and I’m pretty proud of it). However, I don’t see a way to rename the rom from “mtl_170h” to something else so the Springtseen table could easily co-exist with the original Metallica table I used. It’s not personally an issue, but I could see it causing issues if I were ever to share the table online. Since it has the same rom name as the Metallica one, some people could find themselves playing a table plastered with pictures of Bruce Springsteen, but with “Enter Sandman” blasting in the background. And other people might copy my edited rom into their rom folder and then be greeted with “Wrecking Ball” when they play their Metallica table. So does anyone know of a way to change the rom name in a way that VPX will recognize? Because renaming the zip folder and changing the “cGameName=” part of the code doesn’t seem to work. (Changing the name of the files inside the zip folder doesn’t seem to help either. I’m pretty sure something in the bin files themselves is the issue).


      TL;DR – Is there a way to rename a rom that’s been edited in Pinball Browser so I don’t have different roms with the same name?


      Thanks in advance!


        You need to give your rom to one of the PINMAME developers

        they can add it to the list of PINMAME supported roms


        until PINMAME is updated to support your rom

        you can rename it to an older version like mtl_160h

        disable CRC checks (something you need to do when you want to run a modded rom )

        and both roms will co exist.


        any chance you would be willing to import and export a few images fromĀ  NBA and TronĀ  for me ( you need a Pinballbrowser license for this)

        I have both roms colored but their are some frames that look Like crap (all the team logos) and I rather

        replace them then to do a complete rebuild.



        see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

        see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it


          Thanks for the response! I have a couple follow up questions, if that’s ok.

          – How do I get my edited rom into the hands of a PinMAME developer?

          – Should I make sure it’s the absolute ‘final’ version before I get it to them? I still have some major edits to make.

          Also, yes, I can do some DMD swapping for you on those tables’ roms! I have a Pinball Browser license. Message me and we can figure out the best way to handle it.

          Thanks again!


            Carny will forward it to the devs, and you should complete it before you send it off. 32a mentions crc check, that follows the rom to make sure that it isn’t broken, but, if you change only one byte in that rom, it will have a different crc and become invalid unless you turn that feature off. It is generally not a good idea to do that. Of course, you can have several version of the rom too. But, you don’t want the devs needing to do the job twice or even more times.

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