Anyone have any luck running VisualPinballX on Linux via WINE?

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  • #201831

      Been trying for a little while now and so far my success is a bit limited. With most tables I get a runtime error


      With Baby Pac Man,

      Line 79: For each xx in GI:xx.State = 1: Next

      That’s what on line 79, this table in particular worked fine on Windows but not WINE, it’s a .vpx table and using the VisualPinballX.exe, don’t know if I can link the table (don’t remember who made it) but if needed and allowed I can provide a download.

      I also tested Black Knight and that gives a runtime error as well, Line 276: For Each Light in GlowLights : Light.IntensityScale = GlowAmount: Light.FadeSpeedUp = Light.Intensity / 10 : Light.FadeSpeedDown = Light.FadeSpeedUp : Next


      I tested the default calibration table that came with VPX but that only resulted in a crash, I managed to get that working on one system but I don’t have access to that desktop for a good while and I don’t remember what the prefix had. I tried running the normalĀ  VPXsetup via Wine and that didn’t make any difference.


        google – search “visual pinball linux” – and get

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