Autorecord is recording wrong screen

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  • #194616

      Whenever I try and record the playfield it ends up recording the backglass and then displays the video on the playfield. Is there a setting that I need to change to tell it to record the correct screen? All of my displays are setup correctly to the best of my knowledge. They are all the correct resolution and they don’t bleed into the other screens. The only thing I can think of is that Windows has the backglass as screen 1, playfield (main display) 2, and Full DMD 3.


        see troubleshoot section:


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          I’ve gone through the setup and troubleshooting sections and still can’t figure it out. Here are my recording logs.


          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem 1=xpos,2=ypos,3=width,4=height,5=Pix,6=filename,7=screennum,8=’display#’,9=rotation

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if exist recording.txt goto end

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>echo 1 1>>recording.txt

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>start playsound recordstart.mp3

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del ffmpeg*.log

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del *.var

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del stopplaying.txt

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if 0 == 1 goto capbg

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem //////// NEED TO SET NEXT LINES (ffmpeg OR obs OR gpu)

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem ///////

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if 3 == 3 goto gpu

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>echo 1 1>>recgpu.var

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem clean up Video folder. Re-make it if it’s not there so the subsequent cleanup doesn’t make a bad assumption. ;)

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>mkdir Video 1>NUL 2>&1

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>cd Video

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>FOR /R %F IN (*.mp4) DO del %F



          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>goto end



          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem Parameters : <“C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\24 (2009)” output full name with path> <3 #display #> <DISPLAY3 string “DISPLAY”<#>> <0 Rotation>

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem need to process output.mp4 now “C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\24 (2009)” is the output filename!

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>set vtrim=0

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>start /WAIT playsound recordend.mp3

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if exist recffmpeg.var goto ffmpeg

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if exist recgpu.var goto gpu


          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>timeout /T 3

          Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue …210

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>cd Video

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>FOR /R %F IN (*.mp4) DO set filename=%F

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>set filename=C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video\Desktop\Desktop 2020.08.09 –

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>cd ..

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>set vtrim=7

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>goto recode

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>start playsound encoding.mp3 loop

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if 0 == 180 (ffmpeg -y -i “C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video\Desktop\Desktop 2020.08.09 –” -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 26 -ss 7 -profile:v baseline -vf “transpose=2,transpose=2” -pix_fmt yuv420p -an output.mp4 ) ELSE (ffmpeg -y -i “C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video\Desktop\Desktop 2020.08.09 –” -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 26 -ss 7 -profile:v baseline -pix_fmt yuv420p -an output.mp4 )

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>copy /y output.mp4 “C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\24 (2009)”.mp4
          1 file(s) copied.

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del “C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video\Desktop\Desktop 2020.08.09 –”

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>dir playsound.exe 1>stopplaying.txt

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>playsound alldone.mp3

          C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del recording.txt


          It’s still recording my backglass and displaying that video for the playfield.


            you configured recordstart.bat to use GPU recording for playfield.  so all its doing is pressing alt-f9 to start and stop recording.

            whatever you setup to record via alt-f9 is recording the wrong screen(or not recording anything)… nothing to do with popper.


            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Thanks for your reply NailBuster. When I go to record, I select playfield and that’s when it records the backglass. It records the backglass and Full DMD with no issues so I’m not sure what the problem is.


                “it records the backglass”….  IT is not popper….  IT is your GPU doing that (geforce?/amd?).   You need to configure your GPU recording to the proper screen.

                or don’t use GPU.  use obs or go back to ffmpeg (default).

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  I was finally able to resolve the issue. You were correct in that it was something to do with nvidia not selecting the correct screen. For some reason it would only record what Windows labeled as screen 1. I was able to fix it by uninstall all display devices, unplugging all displays except the playfield, doing a fresh install of the nvidia drivers, then connecting the displays one at a time in the correct order. After I did that the monitors were numbered correctly in Windows. One thing to mention is that I had the backglass connected via display port and it would always set as display 1 in Windows no matter which port I would use on the video card. I switched over to HDMI and no longer have that issue.

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