b2s backglasses not displaying

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  • #77471

      Hello all, first post here. I’m trying VP10 for the first time to see if my current Vpin PC can handle it.

      I’ve done a fresh install usingĀ VPX installer 10.4.0 from the downloads here and I cannot get the backglasses to show up.

      I have downloaded T2, Monster Bash and Jurassic Park and their b2s files and have matched the names up.

      I don’t see anything in any of the table scripts like the olden days on vp9 so I’m guessing somethings changed?

      Any help would be appreciated…


        Under preferences … dof, keys … look in the bottom right – db2s enabled ? And, you said yes to install b2sserver when you run the one-in-all installer ? Hope so … or redo !


          It is, thanks. I said yes to everything on the install as far as I recall.

          I just came across a post where randr was helping someone with a similar issue. He mentioned a controller.vbs file (I have that but I don’t know if it’s the correct one) and a controller.txt file (I don’t have that at all)

          ‘Also make sure you have controller.vbs and controller.txt for tables that use new way of activating it.’


            No antivirus ?, Run as admin – the usual stuff in order ? Look in tables folder. You see the executable for the db2server ? Do you get an error when tables start ? screenres.txt in tables folder ? content of that file ?

            Actually. This is the perfect time to run through Terry’s very nice instruction on how to do this stuff proper

            First time installation of Visual Pinball


              Yes, yes, yes, no error. The screenres.txt is correct.

              I have this all working under vp9.9 already, on my old hard drive, so I’m not new to vp and b2s.

              I’m unclear on vpX and the backglasses. With this new install they should just work? There is nothing in the scripts to change anymore?

              I will watch the vids, thanks.


                You should have a controller.txt located in your table files as well.Ā  Should look something like this attached

                Someone else had this issue not long ago, like VP10 is not creating it for some reason??



                  Thanks yea I think something went amiss during the install. I’m going to start with a fresh drive/fresh install tomorrow.

                  Knowing nothing about VPX10 I assumed it was just something I needed to turn on but it seems that’s not the case.


                    if you want grab that file I attached and see if that helps, just put into your tables folder.Ā  Been so long since I have changed it, not even sure where it comes from in the first place.Ā  I should watch Terry’s vids, you forget things you did a few years ago.

                    Moral of the story the controller.vbs handles all the items for backglass etc now


                      That .vbs should be in scripts folder not tables folder :)

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                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                        That .vbs should be in scripts folder not tables folder :)

                        Yup that’s what i meant to say

                        Controller.vbs goes in the “scripts” folder

                        Controller.txt goes in the “user” folder




                          Controller.txt should go in user folder….but may work in tables folder too not sure about that but maybe

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                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                            oh boy, I actually do have it in both locations actually.Ā  My setup is so old not sure how and why it is where it is.Ā  Both files are from 2016 so obviously I’m not changing much :wacko:

                            Sorry for any bad information on my part :rose:


                              Honestly if in both locations it donā€™t hurt anything really but the problem is you would need to make sure when you update you update both locations. But itā€™s only needed in the one folder.

                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
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                                Adding that file didn’t help unfortunately. Happily I did a fresh install and everything is working as it should now.

                                Wish it worked the first time though. Could’ve saved me a lot of aggravation and having to bother you guys.

                                Thanks for the help all :)

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