B2SServer Flashing Issue

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  • #91125

      I started a new thread since my db2s issue appears different than the other recent thread.  I’ve had this issue with my backglass flashing badly while playing Visual Pinball using db2s backglasses.  My backglass is a ViewSonic VX2835wm 16:10 monitor.  I temporarily disconnected it and ran an HDMI cable to a TV beside the cabinet and it didn’t show any issues.  Then I got the idea to reconfigure the B2S display settings and changed it from the native resolution of the monitor 1920×1200 to 1920×1080 since that is what the TV had.  Now it seems to work fairly well but now it doesn’t fill up that monitor.  I don’t think I can run that monitor at that special resolution.  When I play a table like Stranger Things which doesn’t use B2S it runs perfect and it’s streaming video to the backglass.   Any idea why VPX / B2S doesn’t work well with the 1920×1200 resolution?

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