Backglass B2S server, out of memory problems.

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  • #131086

      Hope someone can solve this issue i am having and i tried to solve now for a while!

      When my tables loading up “bigger” .direct2bs files, like between 20mb and up the table just stutter and lags for me ;/ When removing the backglass file the table is fine again with no stutter at all.

      The 150MB (something) B2s for Walking Dead the green one with the heads, The bigger “day/night” for Circus Voltaire both its unplayable with backglasses together with table. The “WOZ, Wizard Of Oz” table that requires the backglass is over 200mb and makes VPX crash with an “out of memory” message. They are more, but i don´t have every table in my head but i hope you get the point here ;)

      I use no antivirus program running, and no background programs except for Xbox360 emulator for Fx3 buttons +

      VPX 10.6 rev 3705

      Freezy 1.7.1 32bit

      Vpinmame 3.2 Beta (With Sambuild  rev 4789)

      B2S Server

      i7 8700k, 2080 RTX etc… i don´t think this is a hardware problem.


        What happens if you turn off frenzy and use the regular DMD

        Real dmd or lcd?


          My setup stutters if I run that walking dead backglass too….so don’t run it. :) now I get no stutter on CV but i have seen many do…

          woz shouldn’t cause any stutter with pup pack at least it works smooth for me so make sure you have latest of all the nailbuster stuff and table version too.


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android



            I use Virtual DMD, not real DMD yet.

            I can try to turn off frenzy and see what happens then , when i go up tomorrow ;)

            Thank you for trying to help out!


              Ok i wont use that then, it was cool though ;)

              No frenzy, still same.
              And i have all the latest Nailbuster stuff.

              Just get out of memory while trying loading the WOZ backglass. ;/


                Following….I have this same issue with WoZ.




                  When you say load woz backglass…you have a version that’s just b2s? Or does it use the pup pak?

                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                  So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                  for IOS and Android


                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                  So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                  for IOS and Android



                    I run both the b2s and pup pack.  If i use the beta b2s the table will load. If I drop down the max texture dimension to 3072 that works too.

                    Windows 10 64 bit

                    i5-8400 CPU @ 2.8 GHz

                    16 GB RAM

                    GTX 1050ti

                    I’ve tried the 4G patch





                      With dB2S there was years ago a limit reached. To solve it you may have a look to this short description or the corresponding description.

                      Main solution:
                      4GB Patch for the B2SBackglassServerEXE


                      The reason for the stutter problem from a table and a dB2S was to my knowledge never recognized or identified to the exact reason. It seems that more interactions within the exact same time frame are sometimes more critical. Also the art or the usage of the table optic may be a reason. For the dB2S there are also limits which may or may not interact or which could lead to a vulnerability. And last but not least also the pc hardware and its operating system with additional software and the setup and also the drivers are a reason. To predict what does happen is sometimes involved with luck and is seen clear often only after the own usage.


                        Thanks for the input! I tried this 4g patch but still same problem ;/

                        Randr yes, the Woz requires b2s to be loaded to fully work, as i can understand it from the info. When i delete the b2s the table starts, and “some” pup pack videos are showing, but it is all a mess so its not that fun to play.


                          Did you try what @bschaberg21 Does?

                          You using the latest version of the game?


                            oops, posted in wrong topic, will post in support

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